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작성자 HELLO 작성일24-07-01 16:00 조회265회 댓글0건


부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 Many were knownCountless unknownQuite away from shoreNot visible any moreBreath shortenedLack of life 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 air saw no endPainful departureStruggled giving final gestureNo time givenTo say good-bye evenChildren 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 orphanedCrisis deepenedGrief strickenTragedy befallenMourners restrictedLast honors limitedMany who treated yesterdayNo more todayLoss unbearableRemembrance 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 unbelievableWave swept away livesBut hope thrivesDaily bread snatchedMisery unmatchedStreets desertedMeans evaporatedDays spent in 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 hungerNights bereft of slumberDistant from native placeIn search of solaceWaited for helpFended for 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 selfIt seemed all overMay not see loved ones everBut do-gooders descendedWorsening preventedMisfortune endedDisaster 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 avertedThe calamity triedHowever humanity survivedWe owe them a debt of gratitudeFor shouldering responsibility 부천쓰리노#상동쓰리노#중동쓰리노#신중동쓰리노#송내쓰리노#부평쓰리노#인천쓰리노#홈런볼장실장#o1o*8318*2259 of this magnitudeWave swept away livelihood But faith withstood -Abhay Sharma, CSIR-IGIB


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